In this tutorial, I will show you how to set up Docker containers for Python projects with Boto3 and bind mounts. Let’s have fun.
A Python development team is looking to simplify their setup process and maintain consistency across environments. They can create a Dockerfile to set up Python and Boto3 environments, download repositories locally, and configure containers for seamless collaboration.
Before starting, we need few tools ready.
An AWS account
Docker engine installed
Basic understanding of Docker commands
Familiarity with Git and GitHub
Step 1: Install Docker
Log in to your AWS account and open CloudShell
If Docker isn’t already installed, follow these commands:
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install docker -y
Verify the installation by checking the Docker version:
docker –version
Step 2. Create a Dockerfile and Build an Image
Create a project directory:
mkdir dj_Docker
cd dj_Docker
Create a Dockerfile: touch Dockerfile
Use the following content:
Build the Docker image: docker build -t python_boto3_image .
Note: When running docker build, I realize I forgot to mention FROM in my dockerfile, and received this error
So I added the missing FROM
re-run docker build -t python_boto3_image .
Go back to the running image: docker image
Step 3 – Download GitHub Repositories
Create or find 3 repositories on GitHub
Clone these three repositories locally:
git clone <GitHub_Repo_URL>
Verify if the 3 repositories are in your folder
Step 4. Create Ubuntu Containers with Bind Mounts
Run containers with bind mounts for each repository directory:
docker run -d -t –name <containerName> -v “$(pwd)/<repoDir>:/dj_Docker” ubuntu
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