What is git? Why do we have so many words with the term “git”?
Let’s Dive In.
✔ Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to keep track of changes to their code and collaborate with others. It provides a way to track changes in files and directories, create and manage branches, and merge changes from one branch to another.
✔ GitHub is a web-based platform that provides a hosting service for Git repositories. It provides additional features like issue tracking, pull requests, and a web interface for managing repositories. GitHub also offers a marketplace of apps that can be integrated with repositories to add additional functionality.
✔ GitLab is another web-based platform that provides a hosting service for Git repositories. It offers many of the same features as GitHub, but also includes features like continuous integration and deployment, project management, and monitoring.
✔ GitHub Actions is a feature of GitHub that allows developers to automate workflows and tasks directly within their repositories. It can be used to build, test, and deploy code, as well as perform other tasks like sending notifications or publishing to a package registry. GitLab also has a similar feature called GitLab CI/CD.
Voilà! Now you have the “Git” family presentation.
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